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special report
italiano  english
the monastery of Polirone - 1st part
(San Benedetto Po (MN) - Lombardia)
text by: borgo-italia [only desktop] - photo by: Gianni
1/40] Polirone monastery map
Polirone monastery map
2/40] outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
3/40] outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
4/40] outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
5/40] outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
6/40] outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
7/40] outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
8/40] outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
9/40] outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
10/40] outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
11/40] outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
12/40] outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
13/40] outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
14/40] outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
15/40] outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
16/40] abbey church
abbey church
17/40] abbey church
abbey church
18/40] abbey church
abbey church
19/40] abbey church
abbey church
20/40] abbey church
abbey church
21/40] abbey church
abbey church
22/40] abbey church
abbey church
23/40] abbey church
abbey church
24/40] abbey church
abbey church
25/40] abbey church
abbey church
26/40] abbey church
abbey church
27/40] abbey church
abbey church
28/40] abbey church
abbey church
29/40] abbey church
abbey church
30/40] abbey church
abbey church
31/40] abbey church
abbey church
32/40] abbey church
abbey church
33/40] abbey church
abbey church
34/40] abbey church
abbey church
35/40] abbey church
abbey church
36/40] abbey church
abbey church
37/40] abbey church
abbey church
38/40] abbey church
abbey church
39/40] abbey church
abbey church
40/40] abbey church
abbey church

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the monastery of Polirone - 1st part
(San Benedetto Po (MN) - Lombardia)

At the center of San Benedetto Po rises a complex, extraordinary both in size and beauty: the monastery of Polirone.
Probably precisely for this reason San Benedetto Po boasts of being listed among the "most beautiful villages in Italy".

The complex will be described in three specials in order to give an exhaustive image of this great architectural structure.
The site is visible only with guided tours lasting about 2 hours and a half, which can be booked at the "INFOPOINT" in front of the abbey church, in Piazza Matilde di Canossa.
In the photo n. 1 the graphic representation of the huge monastic complex.

to enlarge image and begin slideshow click on the photo
Polirone monastery map
outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
outside of the monastic complex
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church

A bit of history:
Founded in 1007 by Tedaldo di Canossa, it became one of the most important Cluniac monasteries in medieval Europe.
At the time the monastery was located on an island formed between the Po and the Lirone river.
The Canossa family, particularly Matilda, was the architect of the development of the monastery.
Matilda in 1077 donated the abbey to Pope Gregory VII, who entrusted it to Hugh of Cluny.
By her own wish Matilda was buried in the abbey, between the transept and the sacristy in a sarcophagus supported by four small lions. In 1634 Pope Urban VIII had his body moved, to be buried in the St. Peter basilica.
In 1420 the Gonzagas passed the monastery to the congregation of Santa Giustina of Padua. The activity continued until 1797 when Napoleon decreed its closure.

The abbey church:
It was completely rebuilt by Giulio Romano between 1540 and 1545. Without distorting the previous Romanesque and Gothic structures, he adopted original solutions to bring together different architectural styles and creating a refined and homogeneous interior.
Inside the basilica is the Oratory of Santa Maria dating from the late 11th to mid-12th centuries.
It seems that there was the first burial of Matilda in an urn in correspondence with the mosaic of the four cardinal virtues.

For info:
INFO POINT di San Benedetto Po
piazza Matilde di Canossa , 7
46027 San Benedetto Po (MN) – Italy
tel . +39 0376623036 – fax +39 0376623021

For more info:
lombardia beniculturali
wikipedia: Abbazia di San Benedetto in Polirone
wikipedia: San Benedetto Po
Polirone monastery: 2nd; part
Polirone monastery: 3rd part

text by: borgo-italia [only desktop]
photo by: Gianni

Lombardia 6 - release date: 2019-05-12