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special report
italiano  english
the ducal palace of Marie Louise - 2/2
(Colorno (PR) - Emilia Romagna)
text by: borgo-italia [only desktop] - photo by: Gianni
1/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
2/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
3/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
4/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
5/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
6/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
7/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
8/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
9/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
10/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
11/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
12/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
13/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
14/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
15/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
16/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
17/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
18/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
19/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
20/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
21/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
22/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
23/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
24/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
25/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
26/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
27/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
28/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
29/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
30/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
31/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
32/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
33/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
34/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
35/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
36/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
37/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
38/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
39/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
40/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
41/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
42/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
43/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
44/44] the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise

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the ducal palace of Marie Louise - 2/2
(Colorno (PR) - Emilia Romagna)

We end here the visit to the small Versailles of the Dukes of Parma.
With our obvious recommendation to visit it.

to enlarge image and begin slideshow click on the photo
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise
the ducal palace of Marie Louise

A bit of history:
It derives from the progressive transformation of the fortress built in 1337 to defend the Oltrepò.
With ups and downs from the early 1400s until about the mid 1400s it was under the dominion of the Terzi of Parma.
In the 16th century it was transformed into a palace, seat of a refined court, embellished with paintings by Titian, Correggio, Mantegna and Raphael.
From 1749 it remained under the Bourbons until in 1807 Napoleon declared it "Imperial Palace" starting new renovations.
The Congress of Vienna assigned it to Marie Louise of Austria, who made it one of her favorite residences, adding a large French garden.
At the unification of Italy, the Savoy ceded it to the Italian state property.
In 1870 it was purchased by the province of Parma.
Unfortunately both the Bourbons and Napoleon and even the Savoy despoiled the palace of all the decors and only today it begins to be re-furnished.

For more info:
the ducal palace of Marie Louise - 1^ part

text by: borgo-italia [only desktop]
photo by: Gianni

Emilia 12 - release date: 2020-03-15