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special report
italiano  english
a town of the Berica Land
(Lonigo (VI) - Venetoa)
text by: borgo-italia [only desktop] - photo by: Massimo Zani
1/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
2/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
3/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
4/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
5/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
6/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
7/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
8/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
9/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
10/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
11/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
12/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
13/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
14/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
15/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
16/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
17/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
18/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
19/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
20/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
21/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
22/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
23/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
24/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
25/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
26/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
27/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
28/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
29/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
30/30] town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo

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borgo-italia: gli speciali
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a town of the Berica Land
(Lonigo (VI) - Venetoa)

At the south-western end of the Berici Hills lies the town of Lonigo that already from a distance shows an unmistakable profile lying on the ridge of the hill.
The town boasts numerous monuments that can be visited and which have nothing to envy to others in more famous and well-known centers.

to enlarge image and begin slideshow click on the photo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo
town of Lonigo

A bit of history:
It was inhabited since prehistoric times by the Paleovenetian people.
The most important periods for the town were the Middle Ages and the period of Serenissima rule.
After the fall of Venetian rule, Napoleon ceded it to Austria with the Treaty of Campoformio.
It belonged to the Lombardo-Veneto kingdom until 1866, when it was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy.

A note:
being surrounded by lush, prestigious vineyards, it has been awarded the title of 'international city of wine'.

For more info:
wikipedia: Lonigo Lonigo e la terra berica
wikipedia: Colli Berici

Thanks to our friend Massimo for the pictures he allowed us to publish.

text by: borgo-italia [only desktop]
photo by: Massimo Zani

Veneto 5 - release date: 2023-06-30