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special report
italiano  english
walking along the Po banks
(Villanova (PC) Polesine Zibello (PR) - Emila Romagna)
text by: borgo-italia [only desktop] - photo by: Gianni
1/38] along the banks of the Po
2/38] along the banks of the Po
3/38] along the banks of the Po
4/38] along the banks of the Po
5/38] along the banks of the Po
6/38] along the banks of the Po
7/38] along the banks of the Po
8/38] along the banks of the Po
9/38] along the banks of the Po
10/38] along the banks of the Po
11/38] along the banks of the Po
12/38] along the banks of the Po
13/38] along the banks of the Po
14/38] along the banks of the Po
15/38] along the banks of the Po
16/38] along the banks of the Po
17/38] along the banks of the Po
18/38] along the banks of the Po
19/38] along the banks of the Po
20/38] along the banks of the Po
21/38] along the banks of the Po
22/38] along the banks of the Po
23/38] along the banks of the Po
24/38] along the banks of the Po
25/38] along the banks of the Po
26/38] along the banks of the Po
27/38] along the banks of the Po
28/38] along the banks of the Po
29/38] along the banks of the Po
30/38] along the banks of the Po
31/38] along the banks of the Po
32/38] along the banks of the Po
33/38] along the banks of the Po
34/38] along the banks of the Po
35/38] along the banks of the Po
36/38] along the banks of the Po
37/38] along the banks of the Po
38/38] along the banks of the Po

special report of

italiano english
our sponsor
Erika: operatore olistico
il Giardino di Atlantide
cosa puoi trovare:
candele profumate 100% naturali
cristalli e pietre
oli essenziali
e tante altre idee regalo
43011 BUSSETO (PR)
viale A. Pallavicino 1


il giardino di atlantide
borgo-italia: gli speciali
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walking along the Po banks
(Villanova (PC) Polesine Zibello (PR) - Emila Romagna)

These photos are intended as an invitation to a walk or a bike ride in the silence and beauty of the Bassa.

From June 6, 2021 the Food Valley Bike is available: it starts from Parma and reaches Busseto, through the towns of Sorbolo, Mezzani (with a detour to Brescello), Colorno, Sissa Trecasali, Roccabianca, Zibello and Polesine.

We hope that trips on the river will be organized as well, but, up to now, they have not been realized yet, except for some attempts that have been immediately abandoned.
As said in the page "discovering the great river", certainly a development of such an initiative would increase the flow of tourists with a consequent increase of jobs and other collateral activities that would enrich the territory.

to enlarge image and begin slideshow click on the photo
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po
along the banks of the Po

The previous specials:
the lure of the great river - 2/2
the lure of the great river - 1/2
discovering the big river
...and it will become the great river

For info Food Valley Bike

Read more info on the page "the enchantment of the great river - 2/2"

text by: borgo-italia [only desktop]
photo by: Gianni

Emilia 14 - release date: 2021-07-24