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special report
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the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
(Castione Marchesi (PR) - Emilia Romagna)
text by: borgo-italia [only desktop] - photo by: Gianni
1/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
2/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
3/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
4/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
5/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
6/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
7/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
8/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
9/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
10/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
11/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
12/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
13/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
14/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
15/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
16/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
17/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
18/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
19/19] the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta

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the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
(Castione Marchesi (PR) - Emilia Romagna)

Castione is a hamlet in the municipality of Fidenza.
Driving along the provincial road Dei Due Ponti from Busseto to Fidenza, you cannot fail to notice the outline of the abbey and the church of Santa Maria Assunta.

We assure you that it is worth stopping to visit the splendid church.
to enlarge image and begin slideshow click on the photo
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
the abbey of Santa Maria Assunta
A bit of history:
Founded in 1033 by the Marquis Adalberto Pallavicino, the abbey was initially entrusted to the Benedictine monks then in 1485 to the Olivetan monks, who governed it until its transfer to the diocese of Parma in 1764.
The Olivetans completed the renovation of the abbey and the church.
With the suppression of the religious orders by Napoleon, the complex began its decline.
In the mid-1900s, the complex was assigned to the diocese of Fidenza and the monastery returned to church property.
During these years, various restoration works also began, mainly involving the interior of the church.
Remarkable was the recovery of various mosaics dating back to the 12th century.

For more info:
wikipedia: Castione Marchesi

wikipedia: monastero di Santa Maria Assunta

A note:
vote in FAI ‘I Luoghi del Cuore’ for the church of Santa Maria Assunta at the link: i luoghi del cuore 1526

text by: borgo-italia [only desktop]
photo by: Gianni

Emilia 19 - release date: 2025-03-07