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special report
italiano  english
the gateway to the Belluno Dolomites Park
(Belluno (BL) - Veneto)
text by: borgo-italia [only desktop] - photo by: Massimo Zani
1/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
2/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
3/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
4/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
5/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
6/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
7/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
8/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
9/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
10/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
11/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
12/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
13/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
14/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
15/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
16/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
17/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
18/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
19/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
20/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
21/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
22/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
23/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
24/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
25/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
26/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
27/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
28/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
29/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
30/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
31/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
32/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
33/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
34/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
35/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
36/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
37/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
38/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
39/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
40/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
41/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
42/42] the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno

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borgo-italia: gli speciali
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the gateway to the Belluno Dolomites Park
(Belluno (BL) - Veneto)

This time our friend Massimo takes us to visit the city of Belluno.
It stands on a rocky spur, overlooking the Piave River, almost split in two by the Ardo torrent.
A city that deserves a careful visit for its history and valuable architectural monuments,
The territory of the province includes one of the most beautiful naturalistic areas: the National Park of the Belluno Dolomites

to enlarge image and begin slideshow click on the photo
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno
the city of Belluno

A bit of history:
The first settlements date back to the first half of 1000 BC.
The area was occupied by the Celts until the advent of Roman rule.
Relations with Rome were mainly commercial, as the area was rich in iron and copper ore.
When the Roman Empire declined, it was subject to various barbarian invasions: Visigoths, Vandals, Heruli, Huns and, finally, the Ostrogoths of Theodoric the Great.
It passed voluntarily under the rule of the Serenissima from the early 1400s until 1797, when it was ceded to the Austrians with the Treaty of Campoformio.
In 1866, together with the entire Veneto region, it became part of the Kingdom of Italy.
Given its strategic position, it was overwhelmed by the events of World War I and then World War II.

For more info:
wikipedia: Belluno
wikipedia: Parco Nazionale delle Dolomiti Bellunesi Belluno [EN]

Thanks to our friend Massimo for the pictures he allowed us to publish.

text by: borgo-italia [only desktop]
photo by: Massimo Zani

Veneto 6 - release date: 2024-07-26