From February 2012 it is possible to share on borgo-italia your videos loaded onto youtube.
This sharing will increase their visibility.As security measure, we request the registration on our website.
The registration is free; it does not involve any obligation and it will not be used to send you any message.
You could share videos concerning your country, local production or anything useful to promote the tourism in your area.
The sharing is not automatic and it is subject to the approval of the staff of borgo italia.
The staff has the right, without notice, to cancel or to disapprove the videos not in keeping with the spirit of
The shared videos are intended to be free from any copyright and the sender stands guarantor for this.
Instructions for the sharing
To share a video you need a username (of your choice) and a password (provided by borgo-italia).
Clicking on the button “share video” you access to the log page where you are requested to insert your username and password. As an alternative it will be requested your registration.
Once logged you access the sharing form.
In this form you have to insert:
- the URL of the video (taken with copy/paste from the result
obtained pressing the button “share” relating to the video you want to share - see figure)[1]
- the title of the video (obligatory in Italian, optional in English)
- the region you refer to
- the name or nickname of the author
- the authorization for the sharing
Instructions for the registration
If you have not username and password, clicking on the “registration” button you can access the registration form
In this form:
- at the top should appear the numeric password assigned by borgo-italia (take note of this and retain it)
- insert a username of your choice (max 25 characters) - obligatory
- insert your email address for possible confirmations - obligatory)
- your name and surname (max 25 characters) - optional
After the registration you will be redirected to the page of the sharing where you could insert the videos you would like to share with borgo-italia.
[1] the URL has to be of the following kind: o
any other URL will not be accepted |